Selena Gomez Meltdown Over Colossal Border News

Selena Gomez

In a video that has since been taken down, Selena Gomez was clearly heartbroken as the deportation of illegal immigrants is in full swing. ICE has been working hard to track down and arrest criminals who have come into this country illegally and they’ve been put on planes to be sent back to their country.

The first truth to be said, America welcomes about a million immigrants every year. They go through a vetting process and then they are invited into the country to live the life they’ve fought so hard to obtain. America is not against immigration.

But the second truth is that during the Biden administration, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection has reported nearly 10 million illegal immigrant encounters. What Joe Biden put into place was a system that allowed many of them to stay here, which resulted in a huge rush of individuals pouring in at the border and surrendering to Border Patrol in hopes that they would simply be let free in the U.S. with no vetting. Of those, the report goes on to say, some of them were on the terrorist watchlist.

Both of those facts should be in consideration when talking about what’s going on at the border and the mass deportation illegal immigrants face. They were given a promise by one administration that another administration is now reversing. That’s the awful game of politics and it cares about no one.

There is a harsh reality to the political volley Americans go through, and that’s “to the victor goes the spoils.” Biden Administration officials were out the day Trump was sworn in and he put his own people in place. That happens every time we change presidents and it’s been going on forever. Those people were made aware in November that they would be losing their jobs and it didn’t take an inner-office memo to make that point clear.

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The difference between Biden and Trump should also have been abundantly clear. This day was coming and reality was going to slap everyone in the face. Preparations should have been made. It wouldn’t have made this day any less heartbreaking but it wouldn’t have come as such a shock and that makes it a little less painful.

The Selena Gomez Backlash

Selena Gomez
via Instagram/Selena Gomez

What Selena Gomez is going through is normal. Anyone with a heart would feel for the poor, desperate individuals running from violence and poverty. Their countries are war-torn and the resources they need just aren’t there. If you took a moment to put yourself in their shoes, what would you do? Would you try to go somewhere else where there are basic resources like food and shelter? Would you break the law because doing that is better than staying in the horrid conditions where everyone around you is dying?

Of course, Selena Gomez faced backlash for her video because she is highly visual with millions of followers that she can influence. Obviously, the criticism includes Candace Owens and Megyn Kelly because they’re Republican and they have to say something when someone on the left gets some attention. But the backlash also includes Sylvester Stallone who didn’t take a stance against her empathy, only against her reason.

He’s reported to have replied on a fan’s reposting of Selena’s video, “I don’t understand some of these celebrities. They have enough money to do something, things they supposedly care about, but they don’t.”

Of course, I can’t find that now because the original was taken down. And I believe that means that all the reposts of it were taken down along with it.

If Sly Stallone really did post that, I want to know what money would do. It can’t stop ICE from mass deportations. What could she do, hire lawyers? Try to slip the agents some bribe money? There’s nothing money can do in this situation but possibly make their life more comfortable in the country where they’re going.

Border Czar Tom Homan Reacts

Selena Gomez

Border czar Tom Homan was on FOX News with Sandra Smith when she asked about all the outcry, not just Selena Gomez, and it’s clear to see that this is one hardheaded man who takes his job ultra seriously, “We’ve arrested public safety threats and National security threats, bottom line. And look, President Trump won this election on this one issue, securing our border and saving lives…”

He asserted that he’s not arresting families and ripping them apart but he’s going after the criminals, the drug dealers and the sex traffickers. But he skips a few words when he’s talking fast and some of his other words, I’m not quite sure what they even are, “What happened to our Southern border last four biggest national security threat this country seen because two main known gallowees. We got 600% increase in sex trafficking. We got record number of terrorists crossing the border on terrorist watchlist. We have quarter of a million Americans dying fentanyl come across the open border…We gonna do this job. And we’re going to enforce the laws of this country. If they don’t like it, then go to Congress and change the law. We gonna do this operation and not apology.”

At least, I think that’s what he said. I have no idea what “gallowees” are. You are free to watch the video and hear it for yourself. But first, I went back a few years and compiled the words of presidents before Trump. Look at what Clinton and Obama had to say about border security, and then compare that to what Tom Homan is saying now.

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The emphasis has been on criminals. What Homan is saying is that’s still the focus today. He’s going after criminals. He’s going after the drug dealers, the murderers, and the sex traffickers. I can’t say that other illegal immigrants aren’t getting caught up in all of it when ICE is making such sweeping moves. I also can’t say that it won’t come around to them after all the criminals have been sorted out and sent back to their country.

But the focus is on the criminals. Clinton said it and Obama said it. It’s an issue that has existed for many years and Trump is dealing with it now.

What Biden did was unimaginable. He basically set the illegal immigrants up for failure. Maybe he thought the Democrats were going to stay in power and that the mass importation would resume from administration to administration. But he should have known better, having spent all those years in government.

The political cycle goes around in circles. The Democrats are in charge one minute but that can all change in the blink of an eye and America has just seen how fast. During the Biden administration, the Democrats controlled the House and the Senate. But that only lasted a few years because under the Trump administration, the House and the Senate are now controlled by Republicans. It has been a complete reversal.

Anyone who thought the Democrats were going to win has now faced the reality that the balance of power has flipped. What Biden was doing was providing false hope and now, illegal immigrants have to wake up to a new reality. That’s the worst thing anyone can do, give others false hope only to be let down. Only this letdown is a shocking revelation to everyone here illegally, that they are being targeted and they will be shipped back home no matter what life they’ve built for themselves in America.