The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has stepped into some deep manure with its latest maneuver. Officials entered the home of Mark Longo at P’Nuts Freedom Farm in Pine City to remove a squirrel affectionately known as Peanut as well as a raccoon known as Fred. What happened next was the unthinkable to the owners and the fans who couldn’t believe that any of this was happening.
After several neighbors or other concerned parties complained about two specific animals living in an animal sanctuary, the NYSDEC visited the home with a warrant and proceeded to push their weight around. A spokesperson defended the agency’s actions stating, “Multiple reports from the public about the potentially unsafe housing of wildlife that could carry rabies and the illegal keeping of wildlife as pets.” So, the animals were suspected of carrying rabies by a gaggle of Karens who for the most part are currently enjoying the convenience of remaining anonymous.
The story takes a huge unfortunate turn as Mark was taking it to the internet to plead for Peanut and Fred’s return when the NYSDEC took it upon themselves to euthanize the pets. That was swift and Mark was not afforded the due process he deserved. And as he states, he was totally disrespected by a government agency that shouldn’t have the power of a police force. They treated him like a drug dealer and held him outside of his home for hours. His wife was interrogated as if she was under investigation for being here illegally. He was even required to have an escort with him when he had to go to the bathroom in his own home.
In His Own Words: RIP Peanut
When the story hit the internet, fans were not happy, to say the least. In fact, Peanut’s fame grew because animal lovers who had previously not been aware of Peanut were now climbing onboard, especially when they found out that the squirrel was euthanized after having lived happily in its home with Mark and his wife for seven years prior to this incident. To be clear, everyone is upset about the raccoon as well. It’s just that Peanut was more famous and it was because of that little guy that the animal sanctuary was even possible in the first place.
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Now, NYSDEC Interim Commissioner Sean Mahar is taking a beating for it. In fact, he’s not the only one. For now, several officials’ phone numbers have been doxed and I’m not sure if any other information has been posted about them. But these are fanatical animal lovers and worst case scenario, the officials’ lives just might be in danger.
I will never be able to wrap my brain around a government employee who takes great pride in doing work that makes others so miserable, to put all their energy into it as if they are making this world a better place. That includes everyone who was there at P’Nuts Freedom Farm to execute a warrant for the seizure of a squirrel and a raccoon. I also will never be able to wrap my brain around the snitches of this world who can’t let others be happy.
Most of them are laughing behind closed doors in the safety of their own homes because they got their way and they were able to take something from someone that made them so happy. Their homes weren’t ransacked. Their privacy wasn’t violated. Their happiness wasn’t ripped from their lives and destroyed before they had a chance to fight back. No, they wouldn’t stand for that because they are the Karens of the world. But they’ll enjoy it when it happens to someone else.
I say that most of them are enjoying their anonymity because at least one complainant that I know of has now been identified on X. So far, it’s just her picture and her name. Up to this point, over half a million members have seen the post about her. She appears to have closed her Facebook accounts and she is accused of being “the one” who made the complaint. But I don’t think it was her alone when the NYSDEC stated there were multiple complaints.